Monday, January 10, 2011

Resurrecting a Crazy Frank!!!

looks like the past owner of this frank did some cutting for chain clearance on a sporty....

stitching some new steel to the frank

Chris's crazy frank wasnt in the worst condition when he brought it to me, frank just needed some tlc, the angle supports were cut and bent at first so i straightened them out and welded em back up, and the corner work wasnt to hard to do, couple cardboard templates and the use of a cut off wheel she was almost back together, the rain lip looking thing on the top of the fender was about 3/4 of a inch short so a pin from the local hardware store worked perfect in bringing frank all together, so couple hours bonding time with my welder and grinder here she is looking gorgeous, FRANK ON !!!!!

1 comment:

  1. Lookin good! Crazy Frank will clean up nice, no one will ever know!
