Sooo it was time to rip that shovel out of that shot ass fxr, for the most part everything went smooth into the rigid besides a minor cut on the rear motor mount
So i decided to use this 80s flh front fender for the back end of this bitch, started by cutting out the brackets and then the contour for the rear 16inch juice drum
after slicing her up i got a coil of 1/8 steel rod and started tack welding it into to place nice and slowly, after it is all spot welded it will look like a real nice rolled edge and also made that tin a little more sturdy
rear oil tank bracket....
shaved the tress down
So i scraped up what i had laying around to make the exhaust, i knew i wanted some bird shooters but i just didnt know exactly what, i was flirting around with some trumpet tips and what not but the up swept drag pipes just fell into place, sorry about the photo time frame, kinda of blacked out, but hey their mocked up!!!
Its always fun twisting and turning some metal up on a nice spring day so why not start to tackle the headlight mount!!!!
but i gave up for the night. off the PA for the swap meet, got a shit ton of strange days fliers to hand out!!!!!!